Ultrasound Referral Form Referral Service: Abdominal ultrasound: Other Abdominal ultrasound:Explain other:Referring Hospital:Veterinarian:Phone Number:Fax:Email: Client InformationName(s):Address Street Address Contact Number:Email Patient Information Name:Species:Breed:D.O.B: MM slash DD slash YYYY Sex:MaleFemaleNeutered/Spayed:YesNoColour:Weight:Relevant History:A 12-hour fast period is recommended prior to the ultrasound. Water is allowed and if possible, we would like a full bladder. Please fax or email referral with a brief case summary and recent medical notes, including any diagnostics pertinent to the history. Please inform clients that their pet will have their abdomen shaved and may also be given sedation prior to the ultrasound.Thank you for entrusting us with the care of your patient. I would like test results sent to me via: Email Date